Increase Sales with Instant Climate Impact at No Cost

Get started today for free.
Free to install, no contract required

Consumers Demand Sustainability

The most profitable way to save the planet

Make Climate Impact

Show customers the climate positive brand they want you to be. Mandatum lets your shoppers choose how much you donate to transformational environmental causes, seamlessly places those donations with high-quality biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation projects and transparently tracks your impact.

Boost Site Conversion

44% of consumers prefer to buy from brands that have a clear commitment to sustainability. Turn your climate and biodiversity commitment into loyal customers with tried and tested conversion rate optimization flows.

Increase Direct Traffic

Reduce reliance on costly 3rd-party marketplaces. Mandatum Merchants are automatically promoted to our community of eco-conscious shoppers, driving free, high-intent traffic to your store.

Get started today for free.
Free to install, no contract required

How It Works

Merchants Use Existing Discounts

Mandatum turns any existing discount into a Sustainable Discounts™.

Choose Your Products

Automatically embed a banner on any product page that shows shoppers your potential contribution.

Choose Discount vs. Contribution

Shoppers use Mandatum to choose between a discount on the product or a contribution the merchant make to the environment.

Checkout as Usual

Items added to the cart using Mandatum integrate seamlessly with your existing checkout and your contributions are automatically made to our verified environmental partner projects.

Track Your Impact

Transparently track your contributions’ climate impact and easily share it with your community.

Get started today for free.
Free to install, no contract required

Your Climate Contributions Hard At Work

We’ve partnered with the world’s best environmental projects that are generating transformational outcomes to ensure your contributions have maximum impact.

Join thousands of other brands making the commitment to mitigate climate change and protect the biodiversity.

Get started today for free.
Free to install, no contract required


What is Mandatum?

Mandatum is a free-to-install ecommerce plugin that helps merchants to launch a sustainability program for their online store in minutes. The plugin allows merchants to give their shoppers the option to receive a discount or “mandate” the merchant to make a donation to vetted environmental projects on any products in their store. 

Why use Mandatum?

Launching a sustainability program can be complicated, time-consuming and expensive. Mandatum does the heavy lifting for you - sourcing high-quality, verified climate mitigation projects, placing the donations and transparently tracking their impact.

Showing customers your dedication to investing in sustainable practices while offering the option for a discount will help boost store conversion rate, build customer loyalty, increase AOV and generate a positive ROI. 

Not only will you convert more of your existing customers but you're automatically promoted to our community of eco-conscious shoppers, driving free, high-intent traffic to your store.

Where do my donations go?

We’ve partnered with the world’s best environmental projects to ensure your donations have maximum impact. Your donations contribute to certified and carefully vetted conservation and climate change mitigation projects protecting forests and oceans. All projects are aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals 14 and 15, seeking to stop and reverse the loss of biodiversity by 2030. You’ll receive documentation from the environmental organizations you support, which is made transparent to your customers. Our partners include: Terrasos, The Rainforest Foundation US, Omacha, Bioverse; and pre-agreements with GWC, and WWF.

How can I install Mandatum on my e-commerce store?

At the moment Mandatum is only for Shopify and can be found in the Shopify App Store. More integrations are coming soon. For a custom integration please contact

How much does it cost?

Mandatum is free to install. You'll be charged for the donation your customers choose you to make plus a % of the total product price each time a customer uses Mandatum to make a purchase (we are testing this %. Rigth now this fee is at 0%). If your customers purchase outside of the Mandatum app there is no charge. Contributions and the % fee are billed monthly.

Is there a contract required or additional set up fees?

No, Mandatum does not require a contract and only charges for the donations your customers choose you to make plus a % of the total product price each time a customer uses the app to make a purchase (we are testing this %. Rigth now this fee is at 0%). If your customers purchase outside of the Mandatum app there is no charge.